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Tt eSPORTS Meka G1  


Tt eSPORTS Meka G1 日経WinPC

日経WinPC パソコンの自作 4月号臨時増刊 No.29 春号

PCパーツコレクション キーボード P109 に

Tt eSPORTS メカニカルキーボード MEKA G1 が紹介されました。

   ・Cherry 社製 黒軸メカニカルスイッチ採用



Johnny Hsu
Marketing Director
Tel: +886 2 87975788 # 2862

A division of Thermaltake Gaming, Tt eSPORTS is a major driving force in inspiring, challenging, and taking eSports to new heights in the professional gaming industry. We do this through research, innovation and developing superior quality products from the ground up. Pro’s trust our gear because we equip them with everything they need to dominate in the lobby.
